About Us


Perfect Brewing Supply was founded many moons ago in a warehouse not so far away, providing equipment and ingredients by mail only.  Shortly after, a shop was set up in Libertyville with a storefront for all to visit and talk to fellow homebrewers about their craft.  Perfect Brewing Supply has added and adapted over the years, but one thing still remains the same: our commitment to being a great resource for knowledge, equipment, and ingredients for all your fermentation dreams and goals.  

We have added many new things to our beer supply over the years. Things such as wine, cheese, soda, cider, coffee, and almost anything fermentable.  We started offering many new services to the homebrew world. We added many shiny pieces of equipment available to our customers to rent. Some of these items include a canner (canned home brew?!), crusher / destemmer (for wine), pressing equipment for your wine or other fruits. We even added a space that you can ferment and lager your beer here at the shop in a temperature controlled environment.  

Many of our customers and previous employees have gone on to start their own brewery or work for one.  Together we can help you with your dream of taking your hobby to the next level.  Many of our employees have completed a course at the prestigious Siebel Institute here in Chicago.  With that we have the background to answer all of your fermentation questions.

It all starts with #greatfriendsbringhomebrew